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Located in Earlysville, VA | Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Counties 


Located in Earlysville, VA | Serving Charlottesville & Surrounding Counties
Located in Earlysville, VA
Serving the Charlottesville and Albemarle Area
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Foster Well & Pump Company FAQs

Common Questions About Our Water Well Services

Q – How often should I chlorinate my well?
A – You should chlorinate your well 2 times a year.
Q – How often should I perform a bacteria test on my well?
A – We recommend a bacteria test twice a year.
Q – Do flow rates on wells ever increase or decrease?
A – Flow rates on wells can decrease over time and will very rarely ever increase unless you deepen or hydrofracture your well.
Q – Are tax credits available on geothermal systems?
A – Yes, tax credits are available for both commercial and residential geothermal systems.
Q – How does a geothermal system work to heat and cool your house?
A – Geothermal systems use the constant temperature of the earth to heat and cool your home depending on the season. It’s the most energy-efficient way to heat and cool your home, office, warehouse, etc.
Q – What is the average life of a submersible pump?
A – The average life of a submersible pump is 10 to 15 years. There are several things that affect this such as water quality, amount of water used, type of pump, sizing of the pump and electrical wire, and the amount of water that the well makes.
Q – What is the average life of a pressure tank?
A – The average life of a pressure tank is 10 to 15 years. There are several factors that affect this such as water quality, amount of air pressure in the tank, and the type of tank.
Q – Can a well that makes 1-gallon per minute be used for household usage?
A – Low flow rate wells can be used for household usage depending on the depth of the well, the static water level, and how deep the pump is hung. These 3 pieces of information can give you the amount of storage that sits in the shaft of the well (also known as the reservoir). There are about 1.5 gallons of water per foot in a 6” well.
Q – What is hydrofracturing?
A – Hydrofracturing is a method used to increase flow rates in existing wells. We use high-volume water and high pressure to clean out fractures that have restrictions that keep the water from flowing to the shaft of the well or to open up a fracture that the shaft of the well don’t originally intercept.
Ask about our water filtration programs!
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